Heal Emotional and Mental Blocks to Being Joyful and Present

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Partner with Your Subconscious
Intro written: Be Present and Mindful about Your Reality
Stub only: Choose Happiness
Stub only: Trance
Stub only: Suggestion

Exercise Details

Duration = 12 minutes.
Difficulty = 50/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To locate the factors inside you that cause you to abandon presence and joy, as well as to instruct your subconscious mind to help you eliminate them or resolve them.
  2. To practice being present and aware in trance, first in a setting that is easy and not challenging, and second in a setting that contains an emotional charge for you.
  3. When you can't seem to stay present for more than a couple of seconds at a time, and you want to uncover and heal the habits, emotions, cultural filters that cause this problem, as well as managing the concerns that keep you locked in your head.
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